Nightmares, sleeplessness, and night terrors are all examples of sleep problems that can affect both children and adults. People who experience night terrors often exhibit intense behaviors like screaming and flailing. Sleepwalking is another behavior that accompanies night terrors. It is important to alleviate night terrors because they can disrupt the sleep-wake cycle. According to experts, they are very common in children above the age of 4. However, around 2 % of the adult population also experience night terrors, but the underlying causes may not be the same.
Health experts believe that night terror can be caused by a variety of reasons and stress and anxiety are among them. Migraines, lack of proper sleep, caffeine, fatigue, fever, etc. can also cause night terrors. Anxiety and stress can be treated very effectively with CBD and this cannabinoid could also help with migraines and sleep disorders. That may be one of the reasons why CBD is being currently recommended for the treatment of night terrors.
CBD For Night Terrors
CBD is an effective remedy for many of the causes of night terrors. As we have mentioned above, CBD is a great natural treatment option for anxiety disorders. Studies have looked into the effects of CBD on PTSD, social anxiety disorder, panic attacks, etc., and found positive results. Taking CBD regularly is a better way to manage anxiety and stress and thereby reduces night terrors.
CBD Oil contains anti-inflammatory effects, making it a chemical that can aid with a variety of pains, including chronic pain. CBD has been shown in a study to have a major impact on alleviating anxiety and depression. One major cause of night terrors is restless leg syndrome and its symptoms are most severe in the evenings and early mornings, making sleep difficult. Thankfully, Cannabidiol’s analgesic and antidepressant properties help to alleviate the anxiety and suffering associated with RLS and PTSD.
Cannabinoids can signal one of our ECS receptors, CB1 Receptors, to induce calming effects and enable us to rest comfortably in sleep-deprived individuals. The signal for this is delivered by our brain’s basal ganglia, which has a lot of CB1 receptors. This may also help with PTSD-related sleep disturbances and night terrors.
Final Thoughts
There are several ways to use CBD to manage night terrors. Most people prefer to get the effects of CBD quickly and therefore, the best option you have is CBD vapes or CBD tinctures. Both these CBD products allow the CBD to enter the bloodstream quickly.