Though it is no longer a recognized diagnosis, Asperger syndrome is part of the autism spectrum disorder category of neurodevelopmental disorders. What was once known as Asperger’s syndrome is now considered to be on the moderate end of the autism spectrum, according to experts. Focusing on norms and routines, participating in repetitive activity, having difficulties with social connection, and sticking to one’s thoughts and convictions are some of the signs of Asperger syndrome.
Some of the Asperger syndrome symptoms are problems with coordination and motor function, reading facial emotions or body language can be difficult, hyperfocus, and recognizing social signs can be a problem. All ASD diagnoses are caused by abnormalities in the brain, but scientists are still trying to figure out what causes these changes.
CBD, the cannabinoid compound of the hemp plant, is becoming increasingly popular among people suffering from Asperger syndrome. Evidence suggests that it can help in alleviating the anxiety and stress that we experience in social situations. It may also help with reducing self-harm behavior and aggression.
CBD For Asperger Syndrome
According to health experts and CBD researchers, this cannabinoid compound can help people with Asperger syndrome by enhancing the relaxed feel, which helps in controlling the behavior that causes self-harm. Also, the cannabinoid could reduce anxiety levels when you are interacting with other people. Another benefit of CBD for Asperger syndrome patients is that it helps in reducing the severity and frequency of seizures in them.
The levels of anandamide, as well as serotonin and dopamine, are very low in patients with Asperger syndrome. Anandamide is produced in the brain’s memory and motivation centers. CBD has the potential to boost anandamide levels in the body by blocking its breakdown while also raising its release rate. This aids in the improvement of general mood as well as the regulation of cognitive processes in stressful or anxious conditions.
One of the most common symptoms connected with Asperger syndrome is a lack of social skills. Even though there is no clinical evidence on the benefits of CBD on people suffering from autism and Asperger syndrome, clinicians and family who are watching someone who is consuming CBD to help manage the disease have expressed concerns.
CBD For Stress And Anxiety
Despite the fact that studies are still in their early stages, studies reveal that CBD has the ability to alleviate anxiety symptoms in a variety of ways. Encouraging the creation of serotonin, reducing inflammation, improving sleep hygiene, and reducing muscle tension are just a few of them. CBD also controls the production of the amino acid GABA, which works as a neurotransmitter that promotes calm, according to the study.