The search for a very effective natural remedy for our health problems has been going on for many years and recently scientists have found that CBD could be that perfect natural remedy. Found in the cannabis plant, CBD is a cannabinoid compound that possesses several therapeutic properties that could alleviate a wide range of health problems that affect your body.
Studies have shown that CBD can be used to alleviate a number of health disorders, but most people are interested in the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD. With the help of CBD oil, you can reduce inflammation in your body effectively. One of the chronic lung diseases, asthma can be treated using CBD oil because inflammation in the airways is the underlying cause of asthma.
In this article, we will take a look at how the use of CBD can help alleviate the symptoms of asthma.
CBD For Asthma Symptoms
The health benefits offered by CBD are vast and treating asthma is one of them. Through several studies conducted over the years, we now know that CBD has numerous therapeutic properties. The main reason for the popularity of CBD is its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Some of the recent studies are showing that CBD could provide more effective neuroprotective benefits than vitamin C and vitamin B.
When you use CBD oil, it can decrease the hyperresponsiveness in your airways. This means that you won’t be highly sensitive to the asthma triggers, which will, in turn, helps in decreasing the frequency of asthma flare-ups and symptoms, such as coughing and wheezing. According to a 2019 animal study, the use of CBD oil helped in decreasing inflammation in the airways and hyperresponsiveness in mice that had allergic asthma. However, more studies are needed to conclusively prove CBD as an effective treatment option for asthma symptoms.
Best Ways To Use CBD For Asthma
Many people prefer to take CBD orally by putting the recommended dose in their mouth. Some people also use CBD tinctures, which are also taken sublingually. It is important to note that vaping is not usually recommended because there is a possibility of irritation to the airways. Always consult a doctor before you start using CBD oil for asthma to find out the exact CBD dosage to use.
Are There Any Side Effects?
We have already discussed that CBD possesses so many health benefits, but some animal and in vitro studies have shown that the use of CBD can cause many side effects also. These side effects include skin rashes, diarrhea, fatigue, dry mouth, insomnia, loss of appetite, etc.