It’s critical to get the whole benefit of your CBD oil for a multitude of reasons. The first is that it is pricey. Another reason is that you want to get as much CBD as possible to reach your bloodstream and reap the advantages. For most CBD users, absorption and bioavailability of CBD have become critical. According to research, ingesting CBD on an empty stomach increases absorption, resulting in high bioavailability.
Here is the list of some of the foods that could enhance the effects of CBD supplements.
Carbohydrates make up the majority of fruits. Avocados, on the other hand, are high in fat. If you eat an avocado right before you take a few drops of CBD tinctures to boost the benefits of CBD, it could enhance the CBD effects and also mask the earthy flavor of CBD oil. Avocados are also a very cost-effective strategy to boost CBD absorption.
Fatty Fish
Fatty fish is often considered to be one of the healthiest foods available. Fish such as salmon, mackerel, trout, sardines, and herring are high in beneficial fats. Fish are not only high in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals, but they can also aid with CBD absorption. Try eating salmon and eggs for breakfast, accompanied by a dose of CBD, if you’re having mental health concerns that prevent you from getting everything done during the day.
Nuts can be used to potentiate CBD as well. Walnuts and almonds are some of the healthiest nuts available, as they are high in plant-based protein and good fats. A handful of almonds has enough fat to boost the bioavailability of your CBD product.
Current studies have discovered that the cholesterol in eggs has no effect on blood cholesterol. In reality, eggs are high in healthful fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals. They’re ideal for mixing with CBD if you want to get the whole benefits of CBD oil. Since eggs are so nutrient-dense, consuming CBD oil to lose weight is a fantastic match.
Dark Chocolate
The tastiest and easiest strategy to boost the bioavailability of CBD is to eat dark chocolate. It has a fat content of about 65% of its calories. Dark chocolate is also high in antioxidants, which have similar health benefits to CBD.