As a newcomer to the world of vaping, are you having trouble understanding the terms that are being used to describe vaping? If what I said fits your description as a novice vape user, then continue reading.
This is a mode setting which you will find in a majority of the pod systems and starter e-cigarettes. Without the click of any buttons, the battery will heat the atomizer when air is drawn through it.
Automatic Shutoff
We can call it a safety feature installed in all the latest models of the famed e-cigarettes. With the installation of this feature, the battery will never get overheated. Furthermore, the damage to the coils is greatly reduced with this safety feature. The shutoff window is usually 10 seconds.
It is a short form of amperage. Amperage is the unit of measure that is used to measure the flow of energy in the case of a vaporizer. When the amp is higher, the power will be more.
It is expanded to American Wire Gauge which is the U.S standard for the size of a wire. As we already know, it is the thickness of a wire that determines the level of its resistance, not to mention that it is inversely proportional.
It expands to aqueous glycerine. It is a liquid that is essentially mixed with water that is deionized to create a thin fluid. This thin fluid improves the wicking.
It is a term used to refer to regular cigarettes. This term was coined by the vape users of today.
It popularly goes by the name of mod cigarettes and it expands to Advanced Personal Vaporiser. The sizes of these are slightly larger than the normal units because they are affixed with replaceable batteries. These are available in several voltages and wattages.
It is an individual battery or cell which is used to power the mod or APVs. It serves the dual users of a vaping lexicon.
It expands to Bottom Coil Clearomizer and Bottom Dual Coil Clearomizer respectively. These are the heating elements present in your CBD oil vape pen starter kits.
It is a small-sized mouthpiece that allows the user to hold coil and e-liquid in small quantities.
I am sure that the terms like ‘CBD oil vape pen starter kit’ or ‘best CBD vape juice’ will not bemuse you anymore. All the best with vaping!