List Of Major Cannabinoids Present In Cannabis Other Than CBD

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CBD For Reducing Dark Circles
Cannabinoids In CBD Oil
Cannabinoids In CBD Oil

When you use CBD oil, you are not only consuming CBD, but also other cannabinoids and compounds present in the cannabis plant. It is estimated that there are more than a hundred cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, however, many of them are only found in minute quantities, and hence they are usually ignored. But when these cannabinoids are present together, they will enhance the properties of each other thereby increasing the effectiveness of CBD oil. Therefore, these compounds also have a great role in the different benefits of CBD oil. So we list some major cannabinoids in CBD oil other than CBD for your knowledge.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

THC is an important component of cannabis that is responsible for the concerns that exist regarding the use of products made from this plant. THC is a psychoactive component that creates a “high” feeling in people. It can also cause addiction; therefore, this compound is considered illegal. The maximum amount of THC in any CBD product is limited to 0.3%. If the level of THC is more than this level, the product is considered illegal.

However, despite its psychoactive properties, this compound also has a lot of medicinal properties. It is present in different medications, especially which are used for the treatment of chronic pain. Hence, when used in an appropriate amount, this compound can be a great cure for many diseases.

Cannabichromene (CBC)

Although this compound is less studied than THC and CBD, it does show some therapeutic benefits, especially for pain. Some studies suggest that CBC also exhibits pain-relieving properties similar to CBD. It is indicated by some other studies that when is combined with THC, this compound shows anti-inflammatory properties. Hence, CBC can have a great impact on the medical field when its properties are studied properly.

Cannabinol (CBN)

This compound is formed when THC is degraded. Over time, due to exposure to oxygen, THC will breakdown to CBN. This compound also shows some medicinal properties. It is found that when combined with THC, it can result in sedation. The compound also shows antibiotics, anticonvulsants (anti-seizure), and anti-inflammatory properties. CBN is known for its ability to treat different sleeping disorders including insomnia.

Cannabigerol (CBG)

CBG is a compound that is often ignored because it only contributes to almost one percent of the total cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant. This compound is a forerunner of both CBD and THC.

However, now a growing community of cannabis farmers is trying to create plants that yield higher levels of CBG because of the pharmaceutical benefits it carries. It is believed that this compound has a wide range of medicinal properties. Some of the diseases that CBG found to be effective are glaucoma, colorectal cancer, bladder issues such as interstitial cystitis, and irritable bowel disease.